Electronics Waste Collection Events
City or County Collection Events- Cities and Counties recognized electronics as one of the fastest growing waste streams which make our collection events an easy fit for recycling program. Electronics collection events are typically held at different locations throughout a city or County on specified days between the months of March and November. These events will ONLY take electronics equipment. A typical event begins at 9AM and ends at 3PM. On event days, directional signs and volunteers will help the public navigate to the correct entrance of the event and into line. On a typical event, the wait time should be no longer than 5-10 minutes.
City or County Collection Events- Cities and Counties recognized electronics as one of the fastest growing waste streams which make our collection events an easy fit for recycling program. Electronics collection events are typically held at different locations throughout a city or County on specified days between the months of March and November. These events will ONLY take electronics equipment. A typical event begins at 9AM and ends at 3PM. On event days, directional signs and volunteers will help the public navigate to the correct entrance of the event and into line. On a typical event, the wait time should be no longer than 5-10 minutes.
Electronics Manufacture Sponsors – We offer several electronic waste collection events that comply with state program requirements for offering take back programs for consumers.Free Recycling Quotes Collection Events that are sponsored by Electronics Manufactures are much more successful. The material that is collected is processed and reported to state authorities. Businesses – Our Collection events help educate employees on the need for electronics recycling and other material that your business may generate. Based on your program you can have a one day collection event or specify days that employees can drop off electronics. Cell Phone recycling programs have been very popular way to get employees involved in recycling. All you need is a box to collect cell phones and we will pay for the shipping and processing.